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How to Find the Right Contractor
Qualified Design Assistance

Super House launches a revolution in home design by showing you how to design an ideal home. You don’t need to go on this adventure alone. In addition to giving you step-by-step guidance, Super House tells you how to use the talents of architects, engineers, contractors, drafting services, and others to help you.

Step 8 of Super House explains how to introduce your contractor to the super-features of your design. This is an essential step, because your design will include important improvements and innovations that have not yet been adopted by the homebuilding industry.

But, what if you could choose your builder and your design helpers from a qualified group of professionals who have already demonstrated their desire and their ability to bring your Super House design into being?

This is now happening. Energy Institute Press is initiating Super House Certification for contractors and design counselors who have demonstrated a commitment to Super House principles. Admission to this elite group is earned by passing a thorough examination and by having appropriate credentials.

There are two certifications for CONTRACTORS:

  • Super House Certified General Contractor certification indicates that the contractor understands the broad range of construction innovations and improvements recommended in Super House. A general contracting license is required.
  • Super House Certified HVAC and Plumbing Contractor certification indicates that the contractor has a detailed understanding of the heating, cooling, ventilation, and plumbing systems that are recommended and discussed in Super House. An HVAC or plumbing license is required.

There are two certifications for DESIGN COUNSELORS:

  • Super House Certified Architect certification indicates an understanding of all the design issues in Super House. This certification requires the recipient to be a registered architect.
  • Super House Certified Design Counselor also indicates an understanding of all the design issues in Super House. The examination is the same as for a Super House Certified Architect. However, this certification does not require professional or other credentials.

To find Super House Certified contractors and design counselors, click here  for the directory.

For information about the qualification requirements for Super House Certification, click here.

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