Overview of…
This Section of the Energy Efficiency Manual saves energy in heating and cooling equipment that is intended primarily for individual spaces. You will learn how to save energy with radiators and convectors; fan-coil units and unit ventilators; packaged terminal air conditioners (PTAC), which includes units such as window air conditioners; heat pumps; heat pump loop systems; air conditioning split systems; and direct-fired heating equipment, including furnaces, wall heaters, radiant heaters, and unit heaters.
These types of heating and cooling equipment typically are used in houses, apartments, motels, restaurants, schools, and smaller commercial buildings. However, and it is not unusual for some of these types to be used in larger commercial buildings and in industrial facilities.
This class of equipment may be called “room conditioning units,” “self-contained units,” “unitary equipment,” “packaged units,” and other names. Typically, each unit has a single thermostat. Ducts are not used, or they are short.
The energy saving measures are grouped within this Section by type of equipment. In addition, the first group of measures show you how to limit the operation of all heating and cooling units to the times when they are needed, using both automatic controls and administrative procedures.
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