Overview of…
Note 15. Infrared Thermal Scanning
The Energy Efficiency Manual provides energy conservation measures for minimizing heat loss through the structure of buildings and for optimizing the insulation of heating and cooling equipment. In existing facilities, finding the heat losses is the essential first step in eliminating them.
Thermal scanning equipment is a powerful tool for finding heat losses. It detects detect infrared heat radiation emitted by surfaces. The most sophisticated type is thermal imaging equipment, or infrared cameras. These expensive units can quickly find heat leaks through large areas of walls, roofs, and equipment insulation. Much less expensive are infrared thermometers for spot temperature measurements. These are called pyrometers or contract thermometers or remote thermometers.
This Note explains the essentials of thermal scanning, and helps you to decide when to use it. You will learn how an infrared scanner works, the capabilities and limitations of thermal scanning, and how to make a survey.
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