Overview of …
2.4 Heat Rejection Equipment
This part of the Energy Efficiency Manual presents energy conservation measures for heat rejection equipment, including crossflow cooling towers, upflow cooling towers, evaporative condensers, dry condensers, and other types of heat rejection equipment.
Cooling systems remove heat from buildings, refrigeration plants, and industrial processes. This heat is rejected to the outdoor atmosphere by specialized heat rejection equipment. This equipment is responsible for a major fraction of the total cooling system energy usage.
Fans are the energy users in cooling towers. You will learn how to improve efficiency by specifying or retrofitting variable-frequency fan drives, variable-pitch propeller fans, multi-speed fan motors, and fan drives with multiple motors, and by sequencing the fans efficiently. You will learn how to avoid recirculation of humid air through cooling towers and other heat rejection equipment.
The cooling tower structure itself is important to efficiency. Efficient water distribution and efficient air flow through the cooling tower fill and the water spray are explained.
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