Overview of…
7.3 Glazing Insulation
This part of the Energy Efficiency Manual presents energy conservation measures that minimize heating and cooling by improving the insulation value of windows, skylights, glass doors, and other exterior glazing. These components of the building structure are classed under the formal category of “fenestration.”
Glass and other types of glazing are responsible for much more of the heating and cooling load than the other components of the building structure, per unit of area. Furthermore, modern buildings tend to have large amounts of glazing, and therefore to have high energy loads from heat loss and heat gain.
Here you will learn to select the best high-efficiency windows, skylights, and other glazed units for both new buildings and existing buildings. For existing buildings, you will learn to select and install storm windows and other types of supplemental glazing, to reduce the area of existing glazing, and to install insulating window films. Thermal shutters are an innovation that is explained. At the same time, you will see how to coordinate improvements in the insulation value of glazing with other essential properties of glazing.
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