Overview of…
This Section of the Energy Efficiency Manual makes you an expert in the use of building insulation to minimize heat loss in heating and cooling. It applies to all kinds of buildings, from homes to skyscrapers to factories.
The energy conservation measures in this Section are grouped by the parts of the building structure that have their own specialized insulation requirements. These are the roof and attics, the walls, and the glazing.
In new construction, good insulation is probably the best bargain in energy conservation. Furthermore, improving insulation requires only conventional skills, and no unknown risks. But, there is enormous room for improvement in contemporary insulation practice. It is amazing how poorly buildings are still being insulated, given the ease and low cost of good insulation. Here you will learn to do much better.
In existing buildings, improving insulation costs much more than in new construction. It also involves serious risks of damage to the structure that you have to be careful to avoid. You will learn to improve the insulation of existing buildings without problems, making them more comfortable as well as more efficient.
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