Overview of…
6.4 Other Envelope Leakage
This part of the Energy Efficiency Manual presents energy conservation measures that minimize infiltration and air leakage through the walls, roof, and vents.
The building envelope is a complex structure. In addition to walls and roof, it includes many surfaces, openings, and leakage paths that are hidden from view. Examples are elevator shafts, enclosed ceilings in loading docks, vented pipe chases, etc. In most buildings, air leakage may occur along a long path inside the envelope structure.
In addition, the building envelope also includes specific components, such as hatches and smoke vents, that may become defective, allowing considerable air leakage.
Here you will learn to correct these leaks. Each energy conservation measure focuses on a specific type of envelope leakage and the particular methods used to correct it. Methods are presented for sealing gaps in walls, preventing leakage through electrical penetrations, preventing leakage through roof hatches and smoke vents, and other openings.
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