Overview of…
9.5 Lighting Controls, Automatic
This part of the Energy Efficiency Manual shows how to lower lighting cost by using automatic lighting controls. These controls turn off lighting automatically when it is not needed.
The lighting energy conservation measures explained here cover time control of lighting, including astronomical timeclocks. You will learn to install photoelectric lighting control, including photocontrol for both exterior and interior applications, time interval switches, and door switches. Lighting control using motion sensors is popular, but it is tricky to do correctly. Here you will learn the proper procedures for selecting and installing infrared sensors, ultrasound sensors, and other types of people sensors.
With existing lighting, many of these improvements can be accomplished easily, with little or no rewiring of the connections between the controls and the fixtures. In other cases, optimum performance requires changes to the lighting circuits, which can be expensive. Expect to use a combination of lighting control methods to achieve optimum performance.
Automatic lighting control has safety hazards, especially the possibility of turning off the lights unexpectedly while people are still in the lighted area. Therefore, with any automatic lighting control, it is essential to provide for safe egress if automatic controls turn off the lights in occupied spaces. The methods are explained here.
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